Whitehorse Visit - Auroras @ Lake Labarge

September 30, 2019  •  5 Comments

I spent a week up in Whitehorse and surrounding areas.  Got to visit with Kevin after too long an absence and had a thoroughly enjoyable week.  As the temps began to drop a couple days before I left, I really appreciated the heated steering wheel in the rental car.  I did manage to exceed the allotted 1,400 kms for the car.  I went up to Lake Labarge camping area and other spots during the day to check out shooting locations. I headed back up at night for possible auroras and this forecast was pretty good.  I had scouted out Kathleen Lake near Kulanee Park and the auroras didn't appear when I went back.  The night before I left, they did appear and my only regret is that I didn't stay until 3AM.  Here's my favourites! _JBH6873_JBH6873 _JBH6886_JBH6886 _JBH6894_JBH6894 _JBH6895_JBH6895 _JBH6896_JBH6896 _JBH6897_JBH6897 _JBH6901_JBH6901 _JBH6908_JBH6908


Carol Anderson(non-registered)
Wow! Looks like you had a fun time taking these.
Richard Peeke-Vout(non-registered)
Very beautiful. Nice job..
Rick Horte(non-registered)
WOW! Well done, phenomenal images, it looks like you had a great trip. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.
Paul Edelenbos(non-registered)
Must have been fantastic to see Jack!
John K.(non-registered)
Fantastic colours & photos‼️
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